- 2010-09-08 17:15:06
Component Of The Tecco System
1.Tecco mesh. Main part of the tecco slope stabilization system. It is made of high tensile steel wire and have excellent corrosion resistance performance. The 1770 N/m2 tensile strength supply maximum protection for the slope and people.
2.Steel anchor. The steel anchor is made of deformed steel bar with 25 mm diameter, it is mainly used to fix the tecco mesh onto the rock or soil slopes. It can supply the whole stability to the slope and tecco mesh.
3.Claw type spike plate. The claw type spike plate is commonly used with nails to fasten the tecco mesh onto the slope firmly. The claw design make the spike plate a more stable and firm structure.
4.Soil or rock nails. Used with claw type spike plate to fix the tecco mesh onto the mountain. High tensile strength and solid structure make it be long service life and good condition.
5.Connection Clips. The connection clips are used to connect the neighbor tecco mesh firmly. It is an alternative to the sewing rope and the connection is commonly without overlap.
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